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Advertise a classified film or computer game

There are rules that apply to how films and computer games are advertised. The rules specify how classification markings and consumer advice must be displayed on advertising and trailers.

What can be advertised

Films and computer games that have been:

  • classified G, PG, M, MA 15+ or R 18+ can be advertised
  • Refused Classification (RC) cannot be advertised

Check the classification

If you are unsure whether the film or computer game you wish to advertise has been classified, look it up in the Classification Database. This will provide you with information on the classification decision, consumer advice and other useful information.

If you find that the film or computer game is unclassified, you can follow the process for advertising an unclassified film or computer game.

Display the classification and consumer advice

General requirements

  • Display the classification marking on most advertising material.
  • The classification marking must be identical to the classification that the film or computer game was given.
  • A classification marking cannot be displayed on advertisements for films and computer games if they have not been classified.

How to display

A marking must be:

  • displayed on the lower left corner of the front face of the advertisement or as close to the title of the film or computer game as possible
  • prominent, readily identifiable and clearly legible
  • unobscured
  • clearly distinguished from the background
  • displayed on a screen for long enough to allow the marking to be read in full
  • in the format and proportions as specified by the markings display instructions and downloadable templates

Relevant legislation

General rules are set out in Part 3 of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Markings and Consumer Advice) Determination 2014.

Markings might not be required for some advertising. Refer to section 15 of the Markings Determination for more details.

Requirements relating to the format and proportions of the advertising are shown in Schedule 1 of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Markings and Consumer Advice) Determination 2014.


Trailers for classified films and computer games can be shown with another feature film or computer game of the same or higher classification.

A film or computer game classified as … Can include advertising or trailers for films classified as…
PG PG or G
M M, PG or G
MA 15+ MA 15+, M, PG or G
R 18+ R 18+, MA 15+, M, PG or G

Classification markings in advertisements

Classification markings and consumer advice must be displayed in advertisements for films and games. Rules for displaying markings, along with markings templates, can be found at Classification markings.