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What are the ratings?

Generally, films, computer games and certain publications must be classified before being made available in Australia.

Classification ratings help you make informed choices about what to watch, play and read.

Advisory ratings for films and computer games

General (G), Parental Guidance (PG) and Mature (M)

These ratings are advisory categories. There are no legal restrictions for viewing and/or playing these films and computer games.

Classification marking - General (Square)

General (G)

The content is very mild in impact

Films and computer games classified G (General) are suitable for everyone. They can have content that may scare very young children.

Classification marking - Parental Guidance (Square)

Parental Guidance (PG)

The content is mild in impact

Films and computer games classified PG (Parental Guidance) can have content that a child may find confusing or upsetting and require the guidance of a parent or guardian.

It is not recommended for viewing by children under the age of 15 without guidance of a parent or guardian.

Classification marking - Mature (Square)

Mature (M)

The content is moderate in impact

Films and computer games classified M (Mature) are not recommended for children under the age of 15. They can have content such as violence and themes that requires a mature outlook.

Children under the age of 15 may legally access this content.

Parents and guardians may need to find out more about the content in a film or computer game before deciding whether it is suitable for a child in their care.

Restricted ratings for films and computer games

Mature Accompanied (MA 15+) and Restricted (R 18+)

The following ratings are legally restricted categories. This means there are legal restrictions on accessing these films and computer games.

Classification marking - Mature Accompanied (Square)

Mature Accompanied (MA 15+)

The content is strong in impact

Films and computer games classified MA 15+ are legally restricted to people aged 15 and over. They can contain content such as sex scenes and drug use that may have a strong impact on the viewer.

A person may be asked to show proof of their age before purchasing, hiring or viewing an MA 15+ film or computer game.

A parent or adult guardian must purchase a ticket and accompany a person under 15 for the duration of the film at a cinema or be with them to purchase a MA 15+ film or game.

Classification marking - Restricted R18+ (Square)

Restricted (R 18+)

The content is high in impact

Films and computer games classified as R 18+ are legally restricted to adults 18 years and over. They can contain content that may be offensive to sections of the adult community.

A person may be asked to show proof of their age before purchasing or viewing a R 18+ film or computer game.

Restricted rating for adult films

Classification marking - Restricted X18+ (Square)

Restricted (X 18+)

Films classified as X 18+ are legally restricted to adults 18 years and over. They contain sexually explicit activity including actual sexual intercourse or other sexual activity between consenting adults.

Before a rating is made

Check the Classification

Check the Classification (CTC)

Advertising for a film or computer game which is unclassified will have 'Check the Classification' or CTC.

You should check the classification closer to the release date of the film or computer game. Once the content is classified, the rating should appear on advertising.

Other labels
Classification - Check the Classification (Large)

Consumer advice for films and computer games

Consumer advice helps you make informed choices about what you view and play. It provides information about the most impactful content in a film or computer game. Consumer advice usually includes references to the six classifiable elements: themes, violence, language, drug use, nudity and sex.

Consumer advice for computer games also notes if there is online interactivity, in-game purchases or simulated gambling.

Ratings for publications

Most publications, including magazines, do not need classification and may be legally purchased and read by anyone. Only publications which may be refused classification or restricted to adults require classification.



Anyone can purchase an Unrestricted publication.


Unrestricted publications can contain content that is not recommended for children under the age of 15.

These publications will have consumer advice of M (Mature)—Not Recommended for Readers under 15 Years. 


Publications classified as Category 1 Restricted and Category 2 Restricted can only be sold to adults. They contain content that may offend some sections of the adult community, such as nudity or explicit sexual content.

Category 1 Restricted

These publications commonly have images of sexualised nudity and must be distributed in a sealed wrapper. Their covers must be suitable for public display.

Restricted Category 1

Category 2 Restricted

These publications commonly have images of actual sexual activity between consenting adults. They can only be displayed for sale in premises that are restricted to adults.

Restricted Category 2

Refused Classification

Refused Classification (RC) refers to films, computer games and publications that cannot be sold, hired, advertised or legally imported in Australia. Material classified as RC contains content that is outside generally-accepted community standards and exceeds what can be included in the R 18+ and X 18+ ratings.