The external link: Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) requires Australian Government agencies to proactively publish certain information and gives the Australian community a right of access to documents held by most agencies, subject to certain exemptions
The Classification Board and Classification Review Board are entities subject to the FOI Act. However, as the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts holds records relating to classification decisions, FOI requests about classification are most often processed by the Department.
Information Publication Scheme (IPS)
As part of obligations under the FOI Act to proactively publish a range of information, Information Publication Scheme (IPS) plans are available for the Classification Board and Classification Review Board. These plans provide links to a range of online information relating to the Classification Board and Classification Review Board.
The Classification Board and the Classification Review Board are both required by the FOI Act to publish a disclosure log which lists documents and other information released in response to an FOI access request.
As the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development,Communications and the Arts generally processes FOI requests relating to classification decisions, these are published on the external link: Department's disclosure log.