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Ascendant classified M

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6 April 2021

A three-member panel of the Classification Review Board has unanimously determined that the film, Ascendant, is classified M (Mature) with the consumer advice 'mature fantasy themes, violence and blood detail'.

In the Classification Review Board's opinion, Ascendant warrants an M classification because the themes and violence can be accommodated within context. The other classifiable elements can be accommodated at lower classifications.

It is the view of the Classification Review Board that the themes and violence within Ascendant were justified within the context of a fantasy narrative, and within this context they were of moderate impact.

It is for the above reasons, that the Classification Review Board has decided Ascendant warrants an M classification as the impact of its classifiable elements is no higher than 'moderate'.

Films classified M are not recommended for viewing by persons under 15 years of age. There are no legal restrictions on access. Consumer advice is additional information about the main content of a film which is intended to help consumers decide if they want to view this type of material, or to provide it to persons in their care.

The Classification Review Board convened today in response to an application to review the decision made by the Classification Board on 30 March 2021, to classify Ascendant MA 15+ with the consumer advice 'strong themes and violence'.

In reviewing the classification, the Classification Review Board worked within the framework of the National Classification Scheme, applying the provisions of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995, the National Classification Code and the Guidelines for the Classification of Films 2012. This is the same framework used by the Classification Board.

The Classification Review Board is an independent merits review body. It makes a fresh classification decision upon receipt of an application for review. This Classification Review Board decision takes the place of the original decision made by the Classification Board.

The Classification Review Board's reasons for this decision will appear on the Classification website when finalised.

Media contact

02 6271 1000

Statement authorised by Convenor, Classification Review Board